Summer 2015
View/Print Newsletter here
Saturday, October 10
10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Whynot Church
Whynot Church
− Music, storyboards, memorabilia displays, scavenger hunt, and driving history tours.
− Photo scanning and exchange station. Bring your photos and a blank thumb drive!
− Refer to the Spring 2015 Newsletter or reunion website ( for ways you can help, and let us know if you’ll be participating by completing the survey below.
− Catered BBQ lunch by Silo’s Smokehouse, an Auman-owned restaurant.
− Cost is $10 per person and includes drinks and dessert
− Past officers receive complimentary lunch (just let us know if you are coming!)
− Detach and complete the Order Form below and mail it in by Friday, September 4 with a check made payable to Auman Reunion.
− Persimmon Pudding Contest—bring some for our celebrity judge to taste!
− Commemorative family quilt raffle.
− Commemorative pottery coasters available for purchase first-come first-served for $5.00 per dish.
Order Form & Survey
Download printable version here.
Name: ________________________ Phone #: ______________
# of BBQ plates ($10 ea.): ________ # of Past Officers: ______
o I will share my talent.
When would you like to perform between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.?
o I have a large vehicle and am willing to be a driver for the driving tour.
o I plan to bring a family storyboard or memorabilia.
o I will donate _______________ door prizes for the program on Sunday.
− Photo scanning and exchange station. Bring your photos and a blank thumb drive!
− Refer to the Spring 2015 Newsletter or reunion website ( for ways you can help, and let us know if you’ll be participating by completing the survey below.
− Catered BBQ lunch by Silo’s Smokehouse, an Auman-owned restaurant.
− Cost is $10 per person and includes drinks and dessert
− Past officers receive complimentary lunch (just let us know if you are coming!)
− Detach and complete the Order Form below and mail it in by Friday, September 4 with a check made payable to Auman Reunion.
Sunday, October 11
10:30 a.m.
Pleasant Hill Primitive Baptist Church
− Annual program and picnic lunch, with 75th Reunion booklet and special door prizes. Additional door prizes are needed; please let us know if you are able to contribute.− Persimmon Pudding Contest—bring some for our celebrity judge to taste!
− Commemorative family quilt raffle.
− Commemorative pottery coasters available for purchase first-come first-served for $5.00 per dish.
Order Form & Survey
Download printable version here.
Name: ________________________ Phone #: ______________
# of BBQ plates ($10 ea.): ________ # of Past Officers: ______
o I will share my talent.
When would you like to perform between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.?
o I have a large vehicle and am willing to be a driver for the driving tour.
o I plan to bring a family storyboard or memorabilia.
o I will donate _______________ door prizes for the program on Sunday.
Please mail this form and checks made payable to Auman Reunion to:
Kimberly Lamonds
119 Robert Drive
Biscoe, N.C. 27209
Must be received by Friday, Sept. 4. If you do not intend to eat and do not need to mail a payment, you may email your questionnaire to
Please take a moment to submit your up-to-date contact information (including email!) on the Keep in Touch page. And don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook! >